My Interests
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Marine Biology

I've always been really into ocean life. From being a dolphin and mermaid obsessed kid to a shark and coral reef fascinated teen, the big blue has always been a source of intrigue and comfort for me. I even wanted to be a marine biologist for awhile! I've only ever been to the actual ocean once, and it was the gulf of mexico when it was in pretty bad condition LOL.
The ocean also ties into my interest in the paranormal and the fantastical! The Bermuda Triangle, cryptozoology, the Sargasso sea, ghost ships, leviathans, mermaids, Atlantis! Very cool and fun. Can't forget my never-ceasing obsession with ancient marine animals. Woo marine paleontology!
My favorite water-dwelling creatures are the Thresher Shark, the Dumbo Octopus, and the Moon Jellyfish!
Video Games

Who's not into video games these days? I've been very into gaming since I could probably walk, and it runs in the family. My dad was an arcade addict, and my mom was obsessed with zelda and fantasy star. She even coded her own games on DOS! I grew up on Nintendos and Playstations, never really breaking into real PC gaming until about 2017. Wow!
I missed out on a lot of gaming milestones despite being there, like the release of the Orange Box that I didn't come to appreciate until about ten years after it's release. I think the only PC games I played until I picked up TF2 were Alice: Madness Returns on my neighbors computer, Red Alert 3, Sims 2, Zoo Tycoon, various CD-rom Edutainment games, and of course, tons of flash games.
Art History

This is a newer interest, sparking back in about 2017 when I took an Art History course. While I'd always appreciated older art, I didn't really know much about it. I really enjoyed the class, even though it was very eurocentric! My favorite periods to learn about were probably the Baroque and the Romantic periods, and I love to try and identify paintings by era.
I've always been obsessed with prehistoric stuff, from the Paleozoic to the Cenozoic! I especially love marine history, with my favorite animal being the Basilosaurus! (But I also really love queztals, raptors, and megafauna!)

This has been a huge love of mine for years. My fascination with quazars and star life cycles in particular pushed me into learning a lot about Astronomy as a teen, and as an adult I came into the Otherkin community as Spacekin. is still a great source of comfort for me today. Space is so comforting and sublime to me, it really lends a specific perspective that I think is good to have. We're insignificant, we're wonderful, we're made of star stuff!
Cryptozoology / The Supernatural
This isn't something I've ever taken seriously, I just really enjoy the aesthetic and fun of it all. Urban legends mixing with ancient lore, the whole creepypasta silly vibe of it all. Love it. I'm particularly fond of things relating to aliens and ghosts, though I admit they scare me sometimes. My fear of the unknown wins out a lot over my enjoyment of certain media lol. But I also love the classics like Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster. The Fresno Nightcrawlers are also a big fave. Adorable little guys. I'm also pretty fond of things like mermaids, vampires, fairies, gnomes, etc.
I've always LOVED fashion, especially alternative fashion! I used to be huge into dollmakers and loved designing themed alternative outfits. I still love designing clothes, but I don't do it as often anymore. My pinterest is full of fashion I love!